The story of

Pedro Juárez

"Brain Football is the perfect family to guide any player who aspires to be professional"
Gonzalo Juárez
Pedrito's father

Pedro Juárez arrived in Barcelona with his family when he was 6 years old. "The first thing Pedro did upon arriving was asked us if the new house would have space to play football," explains his father with a laugh. And indeed, Pedro is a true enthusiast of this sport. Since he was little, he has always been glued to a ball, his best friend. That's how we met him. "After arriving in Barcelona, we didn't know what to do. A friend recommended that we go to Brain Football, and that's where it all began," says Gonzalo. Since then, Pedro hasn't missed a single training session.

His consistency, dedication, and eagerness to improve are inseparable attributes of the Argentine prodigy. During this time, at Brain Football, we've taken it upon ourselves to accompany and guide the steps of the young midfielder from FC Barcelona. Being part of his progress fills us with immense pride. Pedrito is a player who, beyond his unquestionable talent and understanding of the game, behaves on the field as if he were a professional footballer with 10 years of experience in the elite. The maturity and composure with which he plays are unrecognizable for someone his age. "He's very clear about it... he wants to become the best player in the world," says Gonzalo.

"We're very grateful at Brain Football. In them, we found the perfect family to provide the technical and tactical complement that any player aspiring to be professional needs," he adds. And what is our working plan for such a special player like Pedro? Well, it's very simple: It consists of nothing more than making sure Pedro is happy and has the tools to enjoy to the fullest what he's passionate about: football.

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